Struct definition / enums / flags check "Injection.h".

These functions take a pointer to a INJECTIONDATAA/INJECTIONDATAW structure. Injector - x86.dll" and "GH Injector - 圆4.dll". InjectW (unicode) which are the two functions exported by the "GH To use it in your applications you can either use InjectA (ansi) or Since GH Injector V3.0 the actual injector has been converted in to a library Processes can be selected by name or process ID and by the fancy process picker.Settings of the GUI are saved to a local ini file.Compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit programs.Post all bug reports & issues on the forum here Release Downloads: Register & Download DLL Injector Here This is our old v3.3 source code, the new v4.4+ repo is here: Broihon - GH-Injector-Library Fully Featured DLL Injector made by Broihon for Guided Hacking